Thursday, December 8, 2011

Council Meeting Monday 12 December: Port Melbourne Waterfront Urban Design Framework

This important report will be presented to Council on Monday 12 December at South Melbourne Town Hall. The meeting starts at 6 pm. The report brings together themes and principles derived from the community consultation held throughout the year, and makes recommendations for each of the five precincts between Bay St and Beacon Rd*. The recommendation to Council is to release the draft UDF for public comment from Monday 12 December to the end of February 2012. More detailed community consultation will be held in late January and early February 2012 in recognition of the holiday period. The report and other agenda papers are available here, or from the Meetings and agendas link on the right hand side of Port Focus. It is also the last full Council meeting to be held on a Monday night - the practice as long as I've been on Council. Council meetings will be on Tuesdays beginning in 2012. *The five areas are the Bay/Beach St hub, Beach St between Bay and Princes St, the Promenade at Beacon Cove, Princes Pier and Waterfront Place - the whole area between the Station Pier entry back to Princes St.

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