Friday, September 9, 2011

More about the review of Heritage Overlay 1: Edwards Park

One of the recommendations arising from the review is to introduce an individual heritage overlay for Edwards Park to reflect its historical, social and aesthetic significance. A citation has been prepared for the park from which the following information is taken: 'Edwards Park, lying between the Esplanades, reflects the presence of the original saltwater lagoon. It is a reminder of the early history of the suburb and the efforts by early residents to provide for public open space and the Guild of Play's pressure on the Council to provide for a children's playground. Of particular significance is the radial layout of paths on the flat grassy plane and the accompanying mature palm (Phoenix canariensis) avenues'. The extent of the Heritage Overlay should include the main park with its radial avenues of palms and the northern area where the Trugo Club and playground are located. Tree controls should apply to the mature palm avenues. [source: Lovell Chen 2011, and Edwards Park: Conservation Analysis and Masterplan, prepared by ALM for the City of Port Phillip 2001]

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