Thursday, May 13, 2010

Greening Port Phillip

Greening Port Phillip: an urban forest approach, the Council's draft strategy on street trees (and other vegetation) is out for comment. The strategy is built on the tree summits held earlier this year, and the input of a community and technical advisory group.

It opens with this introduction:
'Trees and other vegetation in public and private spaces can be thought of as an urban forest that provides shelter, shade, beauty, cleans the air, regulates the temperature, reduces energy needs of nearby spaces, treats and cleans stormwater, reduces loads on stormwater drains, protects and increases the life of infrastructure and provides habitat. An urban forest is defined as the 'sum total of all trees and associated vegetation growing within an urban area.'

The vision for the future is:
"The City of Port Phillip will have a healthy and diverse urban forest that uses innovative greening solutions to enchance the community's daily experience, ensuring environemntal, economic, cultural and social sustainability for future generations."

The focus on innovation is to think about ways to green streets that are not suitable for tree planting.

It also outlines process for tree planting, tree removal, tree pruning, tree root management, emergency tree removals, community consultation proceses,

To comment or discuss, go to

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